THE OM: 8 (9, 10, 11) 12
Om: 8 (9, 10, 11) 12

The rotation of the Earth relative to the suns thermal influence, the central
pull of its gravity, the northern and southern vortex, promote equilibration
within the sphere, where the environment literally “pushes” a equalisation upon
its own resistance. Allowing it to sustain a perfect balance of all its
influences and variable factors.
Distortions are caused within the equilibria by shifting variables such as the
heat of the suns thermal influence relative to the cold of night on the
opposing side of the torus.
This causes small N-shaped torsion displacements in the equalised atmosphere.
Similar to ripples that would appear in the pages of a book if you were to push
the middle of the page upward against its binding. With that page you would
feel pressure on the bottom pulling hard against the binding, which in-turn
gives you a pocket of slack on the opposing top side of the page.
This is the perfect example for the relationship between things such as:
Light and Sound.
Magnetism and Gravity.
Growth and Aging.
The exceeding and its partnership with a perfectly balanced ‘anchoring’
receding. Which is not only the balance of itself, but is also the cause and
effect of both itself, and it’s opposing balance.
The position of our bodies and ‘self’ relative to the forward propensities of
our world cause outward expansions of “Growth” within the environment. Counter
to this, our position relative to the self-opposing and balancing equilibria pulling
back on these forward propensities, cause inward expansions which translate to
a condensed increase in cellular complexity. The complexity of the sub-cellular
structure increases to its maximum potential, essentially ‘filling’ the
cellular construct from the inside out. This process eventually becomes
perceivable as changes to the body and its appearance which we refer to as
When opposing torsion displacements ‘Ni’ and ‘Ne’ combine it causes a reaction
named “Nine” which is also symbolised by the number 9.
The combination of the two opposing parts equalise in a microcosmic comparative
of the larger parent equilibrium to form “Om”, symbolised by the number 10.
The reaction and combination process of Om also creates and releases a relative
‘N’ offset. This is opposite and comparable to the displacement ‘pull’ caused
by the Om from the parent equilibria.
If you were to use Nitrogen Isotopes to
give example; if the Om was created by two 14N coming together, then it would
also eject a 15N. This promotes excitation and continued, subsequent secondary reaction
The 0 in 10 represents the balanced ‘Om’ reaction, whilst the 1 represents the
unbalanced reaction, which is symbolised as being ejected from the number 9.
The ejected ‘unbalanced’ reactions then seek out their countenance and balance
within their own Om reaction, which once again produces a secondary ejected
If you were to use Nitrogen Isotopes to
give example; if the Om was created by balancing two opposing ‘unbalances’,
such as 12N and 16N, their reaction would eject a ‘rebalanced’ 14N.
This reaction is symbolised by the number 11.
9, 10, 11.
Om which is created by the combination of two equal and ‘balanced’ N (such as
the combination of two 14N using Nitrogen Isotopes as example) spin ‘counter’
to its macrocosm equilibria at 6 times the relative speed, which gives it the
appearance of having 1 whole ‘forward’ spin. Whilst remaining relatively
stationary compared to the parent equilibria.
Om which are created by the combination of two countering ‘unbalanced’ N (such
as the combination of 12N and 16N using Nitrogen Isotopes as example) spin at a
relatively similar rate to Om created from a balanced pair, except that they do
not sit relatively stationary compared to the parent equilibria. They move with
it at a offset which echoes the offset of their pairings initial imbalance.
The ejected secondary reactions work in the same way. With the balanced ejecta
remaining relatively still, whilst the imbalanced ejecta moves forward relative
to the parent equilibria.
The result is a reaction field which is both pushing and ‘surging’ forward
against the parent equilibria, and resisting and ‘dragging’ against it.
The balanced Om which are resisting or dragging against the parent then rebalance
themselves within ‘the stream’ of the parent equilibria when a contrary piece
of N ejecta attaches itself parasitically to the Om.
Oms are essentially a torus, with phase conjunction vortices running through
the middle which allows the filling, emptying, equalisation, contraction and
expansion of the sphere.
A ‘N’ distortion forms to one of the ‘pole’ vorticies of the Om, increasing or
decreasing it’s momentum potential within the ‘stream’ of the parent equilibria.
When it attaches, the imbalance caused the balanced sphere of the Om to
redistribute its equilibria to account for the imbalance.
The polar imbalance creates a pentagon shaped ‘ring’ around the centre of the
Om sphere between the poles.
5 focus points which are slightly off-set to each side of centre in a zig-zag
pattern. The first and last of these 5 points sit next to each other on the
same (upper) side of this zig-zag from the centre.
These two point are then balanced by a 6th point on the bottom
underside of the Oms parasitic attachment.
As the Om torus and it’s attachment have a forward pull relative to the parent
equilibria, we do not perceive the full dimensions of this form, which we refer
to as CARBON.
When two of these carbon which are spinning (surging) in opposite directions
within the parent equilibria converge, the centrifugal force of their
counter-resistance to the others contrary spin forms a bond between the pairs
upper vortices. The focus point on the bottom of each N ‘attachment to the Om
are pulled inwards towards the centre of the convergence. The pentagon ring of
5 points around the centre of the Oms sphere is then pulled down to close in
around the bottom ‘pole’ which has been pulled up inside the sphere.
The result is that these 5 points become the new ‘poles’ on each side of the
Oms sphere while all the former ‘poles’ are pulled in to the spheres centre and
distributed outwards to fill the Om.
The compression and centrifugal forces continue to push the Om inwards on
itself, filling itself, until it reaches equilibration.
The result is Hydra.
Or what we refer to as water.
The combination of the “Carbon” attachment Oms to create water, also creates a
relative electrical concentration and discharge equal to the amount of water
created. Which arcs outwards evenly in all directions from the sphere of the
created water.
Electrical discharge from the creation of water, such as what is seen in rain
and lightning. Hydros.
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