Thursday, 3 November 2016


The Egyptian Flail (or Nekhakha) was a device similar to a abacus which employers used to calculate hours and wages for employees.

The top section has 3 identical rows of 6 different coloured "debts"
representing the hours and days of the week.

The first column represents the hours of the day between:
6AM and 6PM. The second are the hours between 6PM and 6AM. And the 3rd column represents the days of the week.

          6.    04PM – 06PM            6.  04AM – 06AM               6.  Tuesday

          5.    02PM – 04PM            5.  02AM – 04AM               5.  Monday

          4.    12AM – 02PM           4.  12PM – 02AM                4.  Sunday

          3.    10AM – 12AM           3.  10PM – 12PM                3.  Saturday

          2.    08AM – 10AM           2.  08PM – 10PM                2.  Friday

          1.    06AM – 10AM           1.  06PM – 08PM                1.  Thursday

The 7th day is calculated using the sum of the first two columns, on top of 6 days being counted in the 3rd column. 


The bottom section has 3 identical rows of 7 different coloured "debts".
The first row represents

1.             K1              (1/7)          KI                    ASYMMETRY

2.             K0              (2/7)          KA                  DUALITY

3.             ==                ==            ==

4.             S2              (4/7)          SET

5.             ==                ==            ==

6.             ==                ==            ==

7.             ==                ==            ==

These pieces are/were referred to as "Pieces of eight".


The next section of 7 represents multiple values of a coin/piece that
is the sum of whole first set of 7 "pieces of eight".

Being the "eight" itself. 

It's value is drawn or represented using the number 8 (G8 or G07).

This "8" coin is properly pronounced as "Eye"


8.    1..    G07            (1x7)           DUA     (do-weh)                          
       Manual Labour

       2..    G14            (2x7)           IPET - Ptah/Peter - (ee-pah)               

       Doctors and Healers

        3..    G21            (3x7)           UDR - WADJET - (Oo-dah)                  

       Guards and Protectors

        4..    G28            (4x7)           EN - ANHUR - (H’anah)              

       Judges and Keepers

        5..    G35            (5x7)           ALM     (Ah-lm)             
        Teachers and Knowers


        6..    G42            (6x7)           AKH     (Ah-ka/Bastet)              


        7..    G49             (7x7)          BAAT   (Bard/Hathor)   

The 3rd and last section of 7 represents a value of 50 for each debt.

Which is equal to a completed "whole count" of all the debts in

both of the previous columns.

This final section is counted in a sequence where all 7 are counted

downwards, and then back upwards. Giving a possible total count
value of 700.

Or 749 if you add the sum of the first two columns for things such as issuing a value of 750. Equal to one KHONS (250) coin/piece; and one KHONSU (500) coin/piece.

The coin/piece used in this section is represented by number 9.

It's value is drawn as E9 or E15 ("An eye" or "Els")


1V… E50   (1X7)  ANHUR    -  (Un-ah / An-uh / An-ear / An-eye / Ah-nine)
2V… E100 (2X7)
3V… E150 (3X7)
4V… E200 (4X7)  QADESHET - (Quarter) - Stachin - (Star-chien)
5V… E250 (5X7)
6V… E300 (6X7)
7V… E350 (7X7)
6^… E400 (8X7)
5^… E450 (9X7)
4^… E500 (10X7)
3^… E550 (11X7)
2^… E600 (12X7)
0^… E650 (13X7)
1^… E700 (13X7)


This means that the 8 and 9 coins/pieces (valued at 7 and 50 respectively) are literally pronounced as;

"And eye" 



The 8 coins of Egypt are divided into 3 groups of 7. The first coins/pieces are "a half" represented by the number 1, and "a whole" represented by the number 0.

Contrary to what we use in today's numbering systems, the symbol for the number 1 actually represents a transition from nothing-to-half. A upward exceeding 'direction' or angle, whose base and state are asymmetrical. 

Meaning that the number 1 is far more likely to have been used to represent "half" than a 'nominal' whole such as one.

The symbol for the number 0 on the other hand, represents a completed whole. Far more likely to be used as the representation for the nominal 'one'.

The letter K is used to represent a 3-dimensional intersection or focus point.

This is why KI (and its matching 'half' coin K1) have meanings correlating to "the start, beginning, commencing, or vital spark". As they represent a half which is not yet completed as a whole.

Similarly the A in KA represents a duality of two parts or halves which have come together to form a whole.

Both KA and its correlating 'whole' coin/piece K0, carry meaning similar to "Go, Cut (Greek: Kata), Portion, Serve, or Strike".

The Alpha and Omega, or KA and K0, correlate to each other as A, 0 and OM can all be used in representing a constant or whole, such as with a sphere or toroidal equilibrium.

KI                              Value:  1  (Half)             Writ:    K1
KA                             Value:  2  (Whole)        Writ:    K0
SET                           Value:  4                        Writ:    S2
GOD/GOT (Eye)       Value:  7                        Writ:    G8 or G07
ANEN (An-Eye)        Value:  50                      Writ:    E9 or E15, or E50
KHONS                     Value:  250                    Writ:   $250
KHONSU                  Value:  500                     Writ:   $500        
KHONSHU               Value:  1000                   Writ:   $1000

The KHONS, KHONSU, and KHONSHU coins/pieces also correlate to the "Korn Jude / Korn Jew" coins which were used for trading in German up until around the 1700's.

Korn: The owners of the grain and harvest.

It is worth noting, that the name "Korn" has meaning which can be translated to something close to "Base-coding". Referring to D.N.A. coding.

Meaning that they carry the coding for the "seed" or "roots" of the tree.

This also means that genetically, I am one of the oldest (if not THE oldest) living person on the planet.

One of the ancients.


*Note: APEP / APOPHIS refers to uprising, rebellion, strikes or discontent amongst the DUA, manual labourers. The depiction of a long, large and formidable snake represents a large number of employees forming together into group to oppose some type of oppression. Indeed, the snake of APEP / APOPHIS may very well be the origin of the term "To go on strike", which is used by modern labour unions.

It is also likely why it is said that
APEP (Our People) and APOPHIS (Up Offers) were born of NEITH. As it literally refers to being made to "Kneel" or submit to some type of slavery or mistreatment.

Samuel Gregory Korn

Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.


Thursday, 21 July 2016


“Principles of Time, Space, Gravity, Magnetism, Growth and Aging”

Samuel Gregory Korn

When exceeding invariant potential permeates planetary atmosphere, the resistance it meets is a flux differential of equilibration, between its centrally-distributed nuclear impression ‘point of mass’, and the radiom expression of its ocular countenance.

‘Oculus’ is the overlooked but equally important partner and opposite of ‘Nucleus’. A consideration within all forms of nuclear physics that should be considered as vital as the nucle- itself.

The central nucleus and its surrounding oculus are a hyper-divergent binary stasis. The internalised to externalised duality of the pairs exception is not psiotic in its true form, by rather polyanthrophonic.

*Psiotic: Form of self, without influence.
*Polyanthrophonic: Many bodies of influence.

It needs to be understood (or at least visualised) that what we physically perceive as “internalisation” is not simply the countenance of a externalised parity, but actually is the externalised parity also.

A persons physical body is invariant expression which chemically seats a focus point of bioelectric recurrence. The result of perpetually promoted microcosmic off-set states. A calculated impression of that which is given by the layers of the world not only above and around it, but below and within it also.

Whether it be tiny cells or a massive sun, all nuclear bodies work in much the same way. And all are formed in much the same way.

Exceeding surge paid inwards to a focus point causes hyper-interpolated transitioning within the concentration. This promotes exponential precipitation of cellular complexity, which in-turn translates into density as it is relayed into subsequent sub-layers. Inwardly filling the construct of the bodies focus point layer-by-layer.

Within a planetary perspective, we sit upon the edge of the Earths inward processes. This relegates our bodies precept subject to the forward propensity of angular momentum, towards the centrum point of density equalisation. Which is binary to its relative expartum dissipate equalisation.

The equilibration of the exceeding integration of angular motion potential over and into a torus, causes a centrally-distributed focal constriction within the parent equilibria, in which its microcosm promotion must be met with a equated dissonant distortion, which is relative and contrary to the constrictions propensity.

The exception of this pro- and con- relationship balances with itself, relative to vector equilibrium within the torus.

The prose force and its counter-force dysplasia promote a stabilisation dissident between them referred to as GRAVITY.

Within this dissident a point of biological stability is presented, where (energise) emanate potential is conducive in form and state to molecular aggregate.

Within all ‘nuclear’ microcosm torus, the proportions of the presented exceeding force permeate are at least equal to its countenance, as is essential to form and maintain a microcosmic stasis.

Besides gravity, the phase relationship between the hyper-commute of the ‘excelsior’ which exceeds of force/resistance, and the draught consumption of the ‘excalibur’ which inwardly recedes from force/resistance, creates a secondary polarisation which is moderate of the 'faster' accession of the parent macrocosm equilibria causing gravity and the 'slower' incision of the microcosm parabola.

This polarisation second of gravity, is referred to as MAGNETISM.

Magnetism is the expansive contraction of hyper-distillate sanctioning between two equilibria.

The comparative distress exchange of relative coalescence.

The recessive funnelling committed to its relative transitory phase, illustrates a recurrence of itself, within itself. Centring it and evenly distributing it’s ‘distress’ out to opposite sides of its form. The result is POLARISED MAGNETISM.

The directional distribution of this polarisation is relative and subject to the forward propensity of the macrocosm hyper-commute. Our minds physical perspective seated within the layering of both these fields of momentum, affords us the precept referred to as TIME.

The atmospheres exceeding permeate conveyance transmitted through, or super-exposed to the resistance of biological seatings within the same polarisation, are responsible for what is referred to as AGING.

The comparative isometric oppression within the biological seatings which resist and counter the conveyance of age-inducing permeate, find centre, and draw upon biological induction to rejuvenation the bodies construct and counter the decay effect caused by aging. This is what is referred to as GROWTH.


The divergence of this relationship relative to time, cannot be quantified beyond the designated cyclic indication markers we use to measure it, because its sync prevails the common perceptive congruence of the imperative by which it could be distinguished.

Meaning that time is promoted to us in such a way that it can only be ascertained as a comparative of itself within the given perspective we share with it. This allows us the deduction of its reception, exception and transitory comparative, but not its preeminent gestures.

Any physical baring upon, or within which extrapolation of such preeminent gestures could be correlated, sits well beyond the realms of physically manifested biological seatings, as well as all relative pre-, super,- and hyper-effigian realms.

It also sits well beyond any possible situational positioning of the biologically seated, and any other form-essences who may be seated 'relative' to the manifested effigian realm.

Basically, If we were to be, in such a way as to be able to perceive the 'dimensions' of time, then through the relatable precept, its function would cease.



The unperceivable balance of consciously manifested reality is what is called SYZYGY.

The perceivable balance of consciously manifested reality is what is called SYNERGY.

Together, the two parts of this duality bring forth our 'reality'.

The Oculus and the Nucleus combined are what is called ISIS. The precept stasis; to the perceived stasis.

This Sumerian Cuneiform chart details principles of science and the physical construct. I translated them personally, to give what I believe to be the most accurate translations available for these symbols today.

Within the chart you will see that IS, IS corresponds to cuneiform symbols illustrating OCULUS and NUCLEUS. It is very likely that the Sumerians had clear understanding of scientific principles exceeding that which we know today.

One IS cuneiform symbol variations represents, “To Draw In or Drink”. Another is “To Expand Outwards or Grow”. Oculus and Nucleus.

The scientific meaning for this name was very likely shared by the Isis which appeared later in Egyptian culture.

The personification of a base principle relevant to all physics and the physical construct.

History mistakenly tells us that such personifications were deifications of a God to the ancient people. When it appears far more likely that they understood exactly what such ‘Gods’ truly represented, and probably far more about science, the universe and the physical construct, than we do today. Thousands of years later.

Samuel Gregory Korn

Tuesday, 14 June 2016




Consciousness is the necessity of understanding self. It is born of need

We can't survive on passive energy input like plants do, we require active input

So the brain gives us 'need'. "I NEED"

For it to be able to deliver 'NEED' for the purposes of food, water and other bodily maintenance, we are given a sense of self "I ... NEED"


It's no more mysterious than a machine identifying that its battery is getting low and needs to be charged. Though it is far more beautiful

The difference is that biological 'NEED' is tied into a complex system which allows us to identify, seek and consume what we need, as needed

To satisfy NEED

Consumption is the base purpose of life

Everything else is a by-product of this

Emotional responses are a by-product of a system which promotes satisfactory stasis

From this, WANT is born

If you are living within a optimal environment, emotional systems are sated by the fulfillment of NEED

The emotional systems then recycle upon themselves in, through and as WANT

Though, in "1st World" societies, the line between NEED and WANT has become blurred, with NEED being easily provided for

Meaning that our emotional (sense of) selves become entangled within WANT, as if it were NEED

This arises as a by-product of a under-active emotional system, within optimal stasis

A successful place within sociological equilibrium brings forth a question of 'higher purpose' from the systems of the brain put into lower function, seeking to justify their primal necessity

'What is the purpose of what I am doing?' becomes part of the question 'What is the meaning of life?'

Or, if I exist only to fulfill need?
Living to work, and working to live?
Then what is my purpose?

A lot of the confusion people feel in their purpose in this world arises from not properly understanding the physical consciousness
And why they are feeling the way they do

Realising this is the first step towards truly understanding (or knowing) self

This confusion or feeling of hopelessness you feel
Is the system of  NEED FOR SELF recycling on itself within your brain
Searching for purpose to promote it back to it's higher function

This is where the systems which sustain life
Can either promote intellectual complexity and growth
Or become a weapon against themselves

Your mind can be your own worst enemy
But remember that it is always truly yours

This type emotional conflict, turmoil and question of self, is necessary
As analytical deduction of self and Intelligence arise from this

Contrary to popular belief, humans deduce very well
We just do it at a sub-conscious level

Because society has taught us to simply accept allot of things within the construct of our environment

We take things as given
Or believe that things are supposed to be a certain way without questioning them
Because that is how things have always been
We've learned to accept them

This is 'Logical Deduction'
And it is conditioned and pre-programmed into us from birth
Within the parameters of society

The problem many experience with this
Is that we can then overlook so many things
We fail to see things around us such as beauty, love, pain and hatred

Things we should see, or should realise

Problems and pain we may cause or perpetuate without realising

The programming of logical deduction within (emotional) recursive need patterns within the brain by things such as belief, can assist with intellectual complexity and (emotional) growth. But it can also poison our sub-conscious deductive patterns

Logical deductive patterns of things we (should) know instinctively
Can be overwritten by those specified to us within algorithms of things such as written texts

That which is often corrupted, mis-translated, or poorly understood
Can often lead the mind to corruption, misinterpretation, or poor understanding

The reason that many falsely believe that our species doesn't 'deduce' things very well
Is because we have 'tuned out' deduction on many thing
So we don't have to think as much

And the questions don't hurt as much

Switching our brains off in this fashion is part of the reason we are seeing the human race slowly using less and less of their brain

And why so many look to the things they have lost
Thought they do not know what it is they have lost

Belief is to know without proof
Truth is the proof of knowing

Belief and Truth are by definition incompatible
But they are relative

The only certainty in life is death
Everything else is open to debate
And personal belief, is not the same as knowing

An important aspect that is commonly missed within all measures of belief
Is that it needs to come with it's equal measure of humility

It needs to come with an open-minded understanding that
Thought you may be right
You may also be equally as wrong

In all things uncertain
You are just as likely to be right
As you are to be wrong

Believe, but recognise the flavour of your virtues, amongst many others

And spit not of another wine, if it is not to your taste

Righteousness is not the limitation within belief
It is the culmination of understanding

Which led to belief

We learned within coming to believe
No different than anything else taught

And there is always more to be learned
By those with ears to hear and eyes to see

No true wisdom is incompatible
Only the fruit it bares within us

Remember that to define by belief
May also be to restrict by it

There is no Divinity in segregation
There is no Freedom within sanctioning
There is no Honour within censorship
There is no Love within a lie

And there is no beauty within a conditional truth
Truth is unconditional, or it is deception

The mind is not made to be understood
Merely admired, appreciated and loved

To truly know the mind
Could be to lose the beauty of its wonder

All you do is in this world is a measure of how willing you are to understand your faults
And appreciate them within others

The reflection of you
Who you are
Who you wish to be
And wish never to be

When we choose to only love others at their best
We find it more difficult to appreciate and love ourselves at our worst

Choose to try love others at their worst
And from this it is easy to appreciate and love yourself
As this is you at your best

You need not try be perfect
Only ever be a little better than you were yesterday
Within this you will find a sense of fulfillment, and through it purpose

It is not about finding the meaning of life, but meaning within life

It is best to spend less time considering why you are here
And more time appreciating being here, to be able to consider it

Less time worrying about death
And more time enjoying the life which comes first

You need not worry about what happens when you die
As the dead worry about nothing

If there is nothing? Then there will be nothing to trouble you
If there is more? Then will there be more to bring you troubles?

Would you spend the next life worrying about more, if you come to know more?

Trouble yourself not with the unknown, when so much here needs your attention

Our soul needed no help in coming to be in this world
Nor will it need help to exit

And go where it needs. As it should. As it knows to

Be happy in the parts of you, you leave behind
In what, and who you gave this world

Do not be sad in the autumn of your life season
Your time here is but a leaf on your tree, which falls so another can rise
A day ends, so that another can be known

Do not seek to live forever
As it is only with the threat of death, that life has meaning

It is fleeting, and therefore it is precious

As the beauty of a rose, is within it's picking
We hold its beauty close and breath it in it's final moments
As the love it gives us in death, as as pure as any we'll ever know

To live forever, would be to have never lived at all
Bleed in this world to know life, and live like you're already dead

Remember that you need not believe in where you'll end up, to go there all the same, and that to worry about death, is actually to understand that you are alive

You need not fear all that is dark, because it is only with darkness, that we know light

See yourself, as you look upon yourself, looking within to find yourself
It is within the viewing, that we understand why it is we look

What meaning you take from that which is viewed, is yours to choose
As is the beauty of knowing you are alive, without knowing how you live

Be kind to each other
Give love when you can, no matter what
Take a moment, when you are late
Take some time, when you can't afford it

Appreciate the amazing things you notice, that nobody else sees

Love when you feel like crying, and cry when you are in love

Nothing else matters, when compared to those special moments we miss in our rush to the future, through life

Remember that in years to come it will be all the things you didn't do that you will regret more than then things you did. Or those you may have done wrong

All that you feel, is all that is real
Who you are is the only thing that you will ever possibly know as true in this world
Don't let anyone take that from you

No matter what

Blood is precious. Love it as it loves you
And give all you possibly can, to the body which gives you everything

Beauty may sometimes seems dead to the eye
If none have eyes to notice it
But a smile only needs a reason to be seen

The empty heart has most often bled the most

And need be loved the most

Everything closes off to pain
It is how we protect ourselves

But you shouldn't forsake pain
Or leave it trapped inside

Don't carry with you for a lifetime
Pain which can be released in minutes worth of tears

It only takes a minute to feel broken

But it can lifetime more to shine

Hold the broken heart most precious

If it loves you none-the-less

And remember that sometimes
Love need not be felt
In order to be given

Love that which you hate

Do not hate that which loves you
Give no pain

Love that which hates you
Do not hate that which you love
Accept no pain

See yourself at your best in those around you

See yourself at your worst in those around you

Try not to take the joy, love, experience or life from others, as you would not take it from yourself

As you may in time find, that the very person you took from, was yourself

It is as simple as …

Love others
Love yourself

Love our world

- Samuel Gregory Korn

  21:24 - 02/10/2018

  Darwin, Nothern Territory, Australia

Tuesday, 7 June 2016